$7,834 back from your health plan? Now, that's refreshing. Money back is possible with All Savers Alternate Funding, a health plan built to help your business get back to business faster. All Savers is based on your employees' medical claims-so if they're lower than expected, your business may get a surplus refund at year-end. Get the details and ask for a quote at uhc.com/allsaversva More savings More flexibility More stability Exemption from most Affordable Care Act regulations and state premium taxes A variety of plan designs, including wellness programs and telemedicine at no additional cost to employees Fixed monthly plan costs and safeguards to help protect your plan from unexpected high claims "Yop, that'sa ral number. Among the 30% of UntecHeathcare's A Savers nationalde businese customers who mcolved a refundin 2020, the average tund was $7,804 Unitedioalthcare intemal moonciation analysis. Jan. 1.2020 through Dec. 31, 2020 Pleae corsut atax andlor legal advisor to dotormine K by nceving this retund, there are any etrictions or obligations, or whother the surplus refund is taxable. Surplus rotund aalable orly where alowed by state linw United Healthcare Administrative servios provided by Unitod atCare Sorvicm, Inc or their afutes, and Untodeathcare Service LLCin NY Soploss inturance is undorwrittan by All Savors Insuranoe Company pcept MA, MN. NJ and NY Lritechteathcare inurance Company in MA and MN, Uhbaathcare Li nurance Company in NJ. and Untedeathcare inturance Company of Now York in NY B28 ER1572646.o 321 02021 Untud HoalthCa Sericeos, Inc. A Rights Rosorved 21673004F $7,834 back from your health plan? Now, that's refreshing. Money back is possible with All Savers Alternate Funding, a health plan built to help your business get back to business faster. All Savers is based on your employees' medical claims-so if they're lower than expected, your business may get a surplus refund at year-end. Get the details and ask for a quote at uhc.com/allsaversva More savings More flexibility More stability Exemption from most Affordable Care Act regulations and state premium taxes A variety of plan designs, including wellness programs and telemedicine at no additional cost to employees Fixed monthly plan costs and safeguards to help protect your plan from unexpected high claims "Yop, that'sa ral number. Among the 30% of UntecHeathcare's A Savers nationalde businese customers who mcolved a refundin 2020, the average tund was $7,804 Unitedioalthcare intemal moonciation analysis. Jan. 1.2020 through Dec. 31, 2020 Pleae corsut atax andlor legal advisor to dotormine K by nceving this retund, there are any etrictions or obligations, or whother the surplus refund is taxable. Surplus rotund aalable orly where alowed by state linw United Healthcare Administrative servios provided by Unitod atCare Sorvicm, Inc or their afutes, and Untodeathcare Service LLCin NY Soploss inturance is undorwrittan by All Savors Insuranoe Company pcept MA, MN. NJ and NY Lritechteathcare inurance Company in MA and MN, Uhbaathcare Li nurance Company in NJ. and Untedeathcare inturance Company of Now York in NY B28 ER1572646.o 321 02021 Untud HoalthCa Sericeos, Inc. A Rights Rosorved 21673004F