As high as 2.00% Business Money Market On average daily balance of $250,000 or greater.* Federally Insured by NCUA. Six free withdrawals per month. 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union APY Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum $250,000 Average Daily Balance required to earn 2.00% APY. The Money Market Account tier dividend rates and APY as of 12/1/2018 are subject to change daily. Dividends compounded monthly. Minimum opening balance of $2,500 required. Tier minimum Average Daily Balance of $1,000.00-$2,499.99-0.10% APY; $2,500.00-$9,999.99 = 0.12% APY; $10,000.00 . $24,999.99 = 0.20% APY; $25,000.00- $74,999.99 0.23% APY; $75,000.00-$99,999.99 0.35%, $100,000-$249,999.99 1.00% APY, $250,000 and up-2.00% APY. Fees may reduce earnings.