And the awards go to... Thank you to our partners who went above and beyond this year to LIVE UNITED for the 757. These organizations provide exceptional leadership through donations, time and volunteer resources, each raising $150,000 or more each year. They are truly the backbone of our annual campaign. FDOLLAR TREE FAMILYA DOLLAR PRA Gioup ENS GEICO SENTAR A VB O TOWNEBANK CBN USAA CHECKERED FLAG We Fien y VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DOMINION ENTERFRIS OPERATION BLESSING ONG THE CO NORFOLK SOUTHERN The Landmark Foundation HEART OF SOUTH HAMPTON ROADS SPIRIT OF SOUTH HAMPTON ROADS AGENCY OF THE YEAR Bob Aston & Dawn Glynn CBN OPERATION BLESSING O TOWNEBANK CATHOLIC CHARITIES United Way United Way of South Hampton Roads Learn more about how you can LIVE UNITED at And the awards go to... Thank you to our partners who went above and beyond this year to LIVE UNITED for the 757. These organizations provide exceptional leadership through donations, time and volunteer resources, each raising $150,000 or more each year. They are truly the backbone of our annual campaign. FDOLLAR TREE FAMILYA DOLLAR PRA Gioup ENS GEICO SENTAR A VB O TOWNEBANK CBN USAA CHECKERED FLAG We Fien y VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DOMINION ENTERFRIS OPERATION BLESSING ONG THE CO NORFOLK SOUTHERN The Landmark Foundation HEART OF SOUTH HAMPTON ROADS SPIRIT OF SOUTH HAMPTON ROADS AGENCY OF THE YEAR Bob Aston & Dawn Glynn CBN OPERATION BLESSING O TOWNEBANK CATHOLIC CHARITIES United Way United Way of South Hampton Roads Learn more about how you can LIVE UNITED at